Advancing floating solar in APAC

The rise in FPV installations across the region raises issues regarding the development, design and bankability of these floating assets

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Initially considered a niche technology, floating PV is now the fastest-growing solar PV category, alongside ground-mounted utility-scale solar and rooftop PV. Over 60 countries have actively pursued the deployment of floating PV, with more than 35 installing an estimated 350 operational floating PV systems, equal to a total 2.6 GW of installed capacity.

The use of floating PV (FPV) technology is expected to grow by an average of 20% in the next five years as installation costs fall. The technology is expected to make renewable energy more viable and economic for countries and islands where land is scarce, expensive or topographically unsuitable.

China, India, South Korea, Japan and Indonesia are leading the way in FPV with Southeast Asia poised to register the highest growth rates in the years to come.

DNV has brought its broad experience and deep expertise in solar, power grids and marine engineering in advising a combined 2 GW of floating PV projects worldwide, including Singapore’s Tengeh reservoir and Indonesia’s Cirata FPV projects. DNV also led the collaborative joint industry project (JIP) involving 24 industry participants which produced a set of recommended practices for accelerating the safe, sustainable and sound construction of floating solar projects in March 2021.

But the rise in FPV installations across the region raises specific issues regarding the development, design and bankability of these floating assets which this webinar will address.

Agenda and speakers

Monitoring and data collection for floating PV plants
Albert Carrera, Regional manager ASIA, Green Power Monitoring and Solutions

Enabling confidence in FPV
Harald Hammer, Technical Lead, Solar  Energy Assessments

How to keep FPV in place: Floating solar mooring system simulations
Zhang Ding, Senior Engineer, Floaters and Offshore Operations