Siting and sizing energy storage system projects

Expert advice on all aspects of energy storage projects, from siting and sizing to ongoing revenue maximization for day-to-day operations

Demand for energy storage is expanding hugely across numerous Independent System Operator (ISO) and Regional Transmission Operator (RTO) markets across the US. With the right planning, including identification of optimal sites and revenue forecasting, this growing demand presents valuable business opportunities.

Expert energy storage advice at every stage
DNV’s teams offer advice based on a comprehensive approach suitable to all types of connected merchant storage units and ancillary service revenue models. We assist in siting and sizing projects based on economics and reliability analyses performed at a nodal level. These analyses result in recommendations for optimal sites for storage development within the ISO/RTO market.

Once your storage project is operational, our expert advisors can provide ongoing support. They can assist you in developing bidding strategies for energy storage in the day-ahead and real-time markets, allowing you to maximize revenue earned through energy arbitrage and ancillary services. Equipping you for the long-term, this revenue optimization service enables you to adapt to changing market conditions and customer requirements.