Frequently asked questions

What type of data does WindGEMINI work with?


Our algorithms cover a range of functionality, from spotting underperformance to forecasting long-term energy production. A more detailed description of each algorithm can be found on our service page.
What signals do WindGEMINI's algorithms use?


WindGEMINI’s algorithms rely on a relatively small number of signals, all of which are available in most SCADA datasets. A full list of data requirements can be provided on request.
How does WindGEMINI ingest data from the wind turbines?


WindGEMINI can read data in a number of ways. It can process email attachments (which can be delivered to WindGEMINI automatically, using for example the reporting functionality of a secondary SCADA system), it can read from FTP and it can access SQL servers. When needed, our team can quickly develop functionality to read in from other types of databases.
How long does it take to set up WindGEMINI?


In general, once a data connection has been established, all the WindGEMINI algorithms can be set up and configured within four weeks. Processing historical data, which can be useful to calculate fatigue accumulation since the commissioning, may require some additional time.
How much effort will it take to set up WindGEMINI?


All our customers need to do is to provide some information about the site (for example turbine locations, and production budgets) and give us access to the turbine data, or alternatively set up a regular delivery of data for WindGEMINI to ingest. Our team will be there to provide support throughout this process.
How much does the setup cost?


There are no setup fees – we want the process of signing up to WindGEMINI to be as easy as possible!
What type of data does WindGEMINI work with?


Our algorithms cover a range of functionality, from spotting underperformance to forecasting long-term energy production. A more detailed description of each algorithm can be found on our service page.
What do the algorithms in WindGEMINI do?


WindGEMINI’s algorithms rely on a relatively small number of signals, all of which are available in most SCADA datasets. A full list of data requirements can be provided on request.
Will you develop more algorithms?


Yes, we are constantly developing new features. If you have a problem that's proving difficult to solve, then let us know!