Framework of the future: Evolving policy trends and the future of the energy industry

Drawing on insights from a survey of over 1,200 senior energy professionals and in-depth interviews with industry leaders worldwide, this special report — part of our Energy Industry Insights series — examines how evolving energy and emission policies will shape the global economy and the future of the energy industry.

Download this report for answers to important questions such as:

  • What are the challenges for policymakers in ensuring that energy and climate frameworks are consistent but adaptable to various forces of change?
  • What lessons can policymakers learn from past legislation?
  • How do energy professionals view emissions targets in their region, and does it matter if the targets are perceived as unrealistic?
  • How can international alignment and cooperation benefit energy and climate policies?
  • How do energy professionals expect changes in energy and climate policy to impact their organization’s strategy in the coming year?

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