Modern safety management 1st Edition

Course programme

Modern safety management 1st Edition is available in 3-, 4- and 5-day versions.

The 5-day agenda is as follows:

Day 1

  • Welcome
  • Questions for daily review/homework
  • Managing risk through effective safety management systems
  • The causes, effect and control of loss.
Day 2
  • Measuring and monitoring safety/ISRS - an introduction
  • Planned inspection systems
  • Controlling property damage
  • Rule development implementation and maintenance.
Day 3
  • Emergency planning and preparedness
  • Changing behaviour through safety promotions
  • Group communications
  • Identifying, analysing and documenting critical tasks
  • Observing critical tasks.
Day 4
  • Managing the occupational health control system
  • Personal communications
  • Accident/incident investigations
  • Developing and managing teams.
Day 5
  • Examination
  • Action plan.