What is NEXT?
We asked a number of inspiring shapers and thought leaders from all parts of the world what their view of a safe and sustainable world encompasses. In the book and website “NEXT” we have gathered their thoughts and ideas in order to identify the opportunities we can pursue in the new chapter of DNV GL.
What is a safe and sustainable future?
This is the question DNV GL is reflecting upon when turning 150 this year while getting ready to embark on a new chapter. When looking to the future, we feel certain that it will revolve around the question of how to create a world in which all people can prosper within the ecological limits of our planet. That is a humbling challenge. And if there is one thing our 150-year long history has shown us, it is that even the most experienced organization is unlikely to come up with all the answers on its own. For that reason, we decided to ask 32 forward-thinking, progressive and inspiring people what they think must come next, in order for us all to move towards a safe and sustainable future.
We have now collected these interviews into a new DNV GL book and website, and are very proud to present “NEXT – A Safe and Sustainable Future”.
The people whose stories make up the pages of the book and website have all engaged in creative and courageous ways to address the problems facing the world. Among these progressive, challenging thinkers and practitioners are well-known figures such as Rajendra K. Pachauri of the IPCC, Eva Joly and H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon of Norway as well as young and fresh-thinking sustainability leaders such as Alec Loorz, founder of the iMatter Youth Movement and Grace Mwaura, co-founder of the African Youth Initiative on Climate Change.
What they all have in common is the desire and ability to turn thought into action, be it through zealous campaigning, pioneering innovations or bold, fearless leadership.
- The conversations were fruitful, open and engaging – and culminated in a diverse collection of perspectives around what a safe and sustainable future may look like, says Chief Sustainability Officer in DNV GL, Bjørn Kj. Haugland.
Based on the insight gathered in this process, DNV GL has a positive view of the future. As Peter Bakker succinctly noted in his interview: “Threat is not going to drive change, we must make opportunities the driver” we have highlighted ten opportunities which emerged from the interviews. Read the interviews online here.
Whether it is by empowering women, investing more sustainably or further involve young people, we will take these ten opportunities with us as we move forward with our vision of a global impact for a safe and sustainable future.
Stay tuned. Over the course of the summer we will use the interviews in social media, “What’s NEXT” where we hope to stimulate to dialogue around these fruitful interviews and ten opportunities.
Visit our Twitter-account @dnvgl or follow the hashtag #nextdnvgl to take part in the discussion of a safe and sustainable future.