What a difference a good leader can make: Communicating and leading effectively
A company’s competitive advantage increasingly depends on its ability to ensure effective communication at all levels of operation, i.e. the ability of its employees to function together as one team. A team achieves more than a random group of individuals – it’s a matter of “wisdom of the crowd”. This increase in performance capacity is vital if a company is to remain successful. Therefore, we find that more and more companies in the maritime field are turning their attention to improving their employees’ soft skills in the areas of leadership and communication.
Communication is the most important process in our (social) life – whether in the office, at home or on board a vessel. In an environment such as the maritime business, the need for precise, effective communication, which also guards against misunderstanding, is very high.
Confident and clear interaction plays a vital role in successful businesses, and even more so in a time-critical and risk- sensitive working environment such as the maritime business. It is time to check that our so-called “soft skills” are serving our needs as well as they should. We invite you therefore to take a close look into our new course for managers and team leaders: Communicating and Leading effectively.
Have you ever asked yourself questions like these?
- Why do some of my employees have difficulty in understanding my expectations, requests or a seemingly crystal clear task?
- Why do I have to have the same conversation with a colleague over and over again (although I thought I had made myself very clear)?
- Why in some meetings is there so much f repetition but very little outcome?
If you recognise these situations then you may benefit from attending this course. Through communication we build and foster our business and private relationships. We don’t only generate and exchange facts, we also develop ideas and create consensus. Through communication we render our opinion visible and construct our joint reality.
In fact, communicating is leading. Only when we realise that we are constantly communicating with our fellow humans, even when we are not speaking to them and that we communicate not only facts but also emotion and both are vital for a successful outcome of the exchange then we are on the right track for effective communication when leading human beings.
To sum up, the most effective leaders are those who are able
- to communicate effectively,
- to build strong relationships within the team,
- to create a constructive, agile working environment where everyone is aware of their competences, responsibilities and strengths,
- to reflect their own manners, behaviour and decisions and those of others.
Communicating and leading effectively – how?
In the course you will develop and/or rethink your own leadership style and review some methods that render it more effective. You will analyze roles and expectations which colleagues, employees or other stakeholders may have of you. You will also have the opportunity to receive constructive feedback.
Follow up topics
This course lasts one day and is designed as an introductory session. After this you may be interested in some follow up courses which explore some of the basic themes in more detail. These follow up courses can be tailored to the specific needs felt by you and your team/company and could deal with the following topics:
- Cross Cultural Competence
- How to give good Feedback
- Managing Conflicts
- Managing Changes e.g. transfer skills from ship to shore environment
- Intensive Leadership Workshop
The duration of the follow up course will depend on the chosen topic(s) and your needs. The training can be run in English, German and some other languages on request.