UK MRV – The third CO2 reporting scheme

After Brexit on 1 January 2021, the UK MRV became the third CO2 reporting scheme relevant for shipping companies, alongside the EU MRV and IMO DCS regulations. It is applicable to vessels >5000 GT calling at UK ports. This technical news contains some recommendations relevant for the UK MRV regulations.

Relevant for technical managers and ship owners.

Some practical recommendations for our customers regarding the UK MRV:

First reporting period for UK MRV emissions reports is 2022

The monitoring of UK-related voyages will be required from 1 January 2022. By 2023, operators and managers responsible for vessels subject to the UK MRV scheme shall submit their first annual emissions report for 2022.

No separate monitoring plan for the UK MRV

It is important to note that the EU MRV monitoring plan (MP) will remain valid for the UK MRV, i.e. no separate UK MRV monitoring plan is required. By carrying the EU MRV MP, the vessel will comply with both the UK MRV and EU MRV regulations, and, as such, have the highest flexibility to operate in the UK as well as in the EU.

Monitoring and reporting for UK MRV

Shipping companies will have to submit their first UK MRV emissions reports to verification bodies in early 2023. To benefit from DNV’s service offering, customers simply need to continue monitoring and reporting as they do today.

DNV’s system will identify the relevant data for the UK MRV, EU MRV and IMO DCS, so the submission of one set of log abstract and bunker reports will then cover all three reporting schemes. Combining the verification of the UK MRV, EU MRV and IMO DCS compliance through a single, standardized process offers efficiency and ease and is strongly recommended.

DNV as UK MRV verifier

DNV will soon be recognized as a verifier for the UK MRV and will therefore be able to confirm compliance with the new UK standard once recognition is received. DNV will offer the same proven digital service approach for the UK MRV regulations which our customers are familiar with from the EU MRV and IMO DCS, and the Fleet Status portal on Veracity will also accommodate the UK MRV. This includes all the known functionalities such as the data quality checks as well as the easy report creation and submission features.

Companies that currently use DNV as a verifier of the EU MRV and IMO DCS, and for which the UK MRV is relevant (i.e. ships calling at UK ports), will in time receive an offer to also include the UK MRV to their current contract.


Combining the verification of UK MRV, EU MRV and IMO DCS compliance through a single, standardized process offers efficiency and ease and is strongly recommended.

The final documents from the UK MRV regulations are expected to be published later this year, and DNV will update its customers in due course.



  • For customers:
    Direct Access to Technical Experts (DATE) via My Services on Veracity.
  • Otherwise:
    Use our office locator to find the nearest DNV office.
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