Renewables Certification: First new service specifications for component, type and project certification now available
These first two harmonised DNV GL, Renewables Certification service specifications contain procedural requirements for obtaining and retaining certificates and other conformity statements related to component, type and project certification according to IEC 61400-22.
The IEC harmonisation project has been kicked off in November 2013. After months of exchange, alignment and integration meetings as well as external hearing and meetings, we publish the result of this important project: the new and joint DNV GL service specifications.
A lot of effort has been put into this IEC harmonisation project. We would like to thank all colleagues who participated in the review, hearing and meetings for their contribution.
These are the first DNV GL service documents and further will follow in the next weeks and months. The objective is to transfer all legacy documents by the end of 2016.
Type and component certification of wind turbines according to IEC 61400-22
The service specification is based on DNV DSS-904 which is now replaced by DNVGL-SE-0074. The new service specification includes more details with respect to the certification process with focus on areas where alignment was required.
The new document also refers to IEC 61400-22 and needs to be read together with IEC 61400-22.
The new service specification includes transition rules which should ensure a seamless introduction of the new more detailed service specification. For legacy DNV, the new service specification will immediately come into force as the document replaces DNV DSS-904. However, for legacy GL certificates according to IEC 61400-22 there will be a 1 year transition period i.e. until end of 2015.
The new service specification will sufficiently describe the generic scope for type and component certification including obligations to the customer for maintenance and reporting related to the certificate.
In case of further information please contact Bente Vestergaard.
Project Certification of Wind Farms according to IEC 61400-22
Why this new DNV GL service specification for project certification is relevant to the industry and market?
- Definition of harmonised DNV GL certification services approaches when applying IEC 61400-22
- IEC 61400-22 standard is incomplete and leaves room for interpretation
- New service specification is a proposal how to fill the gaps in IEC 61400-22
- Integration of most recent technical knowhow and field experience into the service specification.
- In addition to the wind turbines, this service specification newly addressing the assets: substations and power cables, which are not covered by IEC
- Extended scope considering offshore and onshore wind farms, site specific services and met mast certifications
- Management of risk over life-cycle considering full power plant integrity, safety and quality
- New DNV GL system allows flexible split into asset related certifications
- Providing guidance for cooperation in certification
In case of further information please contact Fabio Pollicino.