New international certification program addresses urgent hospital infection concerns

DNV GL announces first hospitals to receive center of excellence designation for managing infection risk

OSLO, NORWAY (October 29, 2014) – Today, DNV GL announced the launch of its Managing Infection Risk (MIR) Certification program – a rigorous new initiative aimed at transforming hospitals’ processes and approach to mitigating infection risk.

Certification programs are commonly available to hospitals for disease-specific care and stroke, but DNV GL’s new MIR program represents the first and only global hospital certification for excellence in managing infection risk.

The new Certification comes at a time when hospitals around the world are grappling with the rising costs – both in terms of patient outcomes and funding – of healthcare associated infections and emerging pandemic risks. Of every 100 patients hospitalized worldwide, seven in developed countries and 10 in developing countries experience an infection while being treated in an acute care facility. These infections lead to the loss of thousands of lives every year and drive up already soaring healthcare expenditures. Each year, healthcare associated infections cost hospitals billions in avoidable costs.

“Every year, about 75,000 hospital patients with healthcare-associated infections die during their hospitalizations,” said Arjun Srinivasan, MD, Associate Director for Healthcare Associated Infection Prevention Programs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Healthcare workers want the best for their patients, and implementing effective infection control programs will help ensure that patients receive the safe care they deserve.”

Under the new program, DNV GL surveyors work with hospitals to better understand their strengths, identify any safety gaps, and improve their current processes to more effectively and comprehensively reduce the risk of infection and improve patient and staff safety.

“The DNV GL MIR program empowers all staff to make necessary changes through a comprehensive risk assessment framework that provides hospitals with tools, resources, and institutional support to address often overlooked areas and implement best practices. MIR motivates entire hospital systems to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities, rework and redesign existing systems, more efficiently manage resources, and ensure smarter and safer healthcare,” says Stephen McAdam, Global Technical Director for Healthcare at DNV GL.

World’s first hospitals to be certified
The first two hospitals in the world to receive the MIR Center of Excellence are USA hospitals, Sentara Leigh and Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospitals in Virginia.

“The process has helped us rethink our entire approach to managing risk, engaging the entire hospital system and breaking down silos between departments. We were meeting risk management standards before undertaking this journey, but now we have a safety culture in which mitigating infection risk is woven into the very fabric of the hospitals’ work. Controlling the risk of infection is no longer the responsibility of a few – it is a unifying thread,” says Scott Miller, M.D., Vice President of Medical Affairs at Sentara Leigh Hospital.

The entire staff at each hospital is more aware and mindful of infection prevention and control standards. For example, staff-wide compliance with the appropriate use of personal protection equipment – gloves, gowns, eye protection glasses, etc. – when treating patients in isolation at Sentara Virginia Beach General has increased seven percent over the last year. Hand hygiene audit compliance has doubled since 2013 and is currently at 99 percent at Sentara Virginia Beach General. At Sentara Leigh, cleanliness testing results across high-touch surfaces known to be a contributing factor to the spread of pathogens, has improved 47 percent in the past year.

Since increasing its focus on reexamining and improving infection prevent standards and processes, Sentara Virginia Beach General has witnessed the number of MRSA infections fall by 67 percent, and there has been only one MRSA infection this year to date.

MIR builds on three key pillars
Hospitals that earn MIR Certification have met DNV GL’s comprehensive and risk based elements that comprise the standard.

“Our approach draws on more than 150 years of experience in working with safety critical industries to make them safer. The MIR Certification standard builds upon three important pillars: a proactive rather than reactive approach to safety, the development of a safety culture that is transparent and accountable, and engagement of all staff towards a systems driven approach to safety. Hospitals that undergo this rigorous process must have already demonstrated a deep commitment to patient safety and preventing infections. We believe that this process will help take hospitals to the next step in ensuring safe and effective healthcare at the global level,” says Karen Harding Timmons, Global Healthcare Business Director at DNV GL.

Hospitals that seek certification are first required to undergo a pre-assessment and submit an action plan based on the results of the assessment before receiving the Certificate of MIR Participation. During the next phase of the process, hospitals are supported by a range of training and gap assessment services. Upon achieving successful outcomes during the final survey phase of the process, the facility is awarded the DNV Center of Excellence designation to reflect their achievement.

About DNV GL Healthcare
DNV GL is a world-leading certification body. We help businesses assure the performance of their organizations, products, people, facilities and supply chains through certification, verification, assessment, and training services.

Within healthcare we help our customers achieve excellence by improving quality and patient safety through hospital accreditation, managing infection risk, management system certification and training.

The DNV GL Group operates in more than 100 countries. Our 16,000 professionals are dedicated to helping our customers make the world safer, smarter and greener.

For more information about DNV GL Healthcare, please visit

For more information about DNV GL MIR certification, please visit

About Sentara Healthcare
Sentara Healthcare celebrates more than 125 years of innovation, compassion and community benefit. Based in Norfolk, Va., Sentara is a diverse not-for-profit family of 12 hospitals, an array of integrated services, the Optima Health Plan and a team 28,000 strong on a mission to improve health every day. This mandate is pursued through a disciplined strategy to achieve Top 10% performance in key measures through shared best practices, transformation of primary care through clinical integration and strategic growth that adds value to the communities we serve in Virginia and North Carolina.

For more information about Sentara Healthcare, please visit

Media Contacts
Joacim Vestvik-Lunde
+47 41 02 03 19

Sentara Healthcare
Dale Gauding
757-455-7118 (o)

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