New IMO-Vega Web and offline versions

The database contains updated and consolidated IMO documents including resolutions from the Assembly 30 st session, MEPC committee 72nd session and MSC committee 99 st session - and circulars and interpretations including October 2018.

Relevant for Design offices, shipyards, suppliers, owners/managers, flag states of all ship types. 

The IMO-Vega database

IMO-Vega is a searchable database of the regulation text of the SOLAS, MARPOL, Load Line conventions and other conventions, and codes such as ISM, ISPS, 2000 HSC Code, IBC Code, and much more.

An updated version of the IMO-Vega Database has now been released and is available for purchase. In this release, the BWM Convention was amended with application from 2019-10-13, and from the same date the new BWMS Code applies. SOLAS amendments were adopted in chapters II-1 and IV, and several Codes were amended.

Further, a new edition of the IMDG Code was included, and the IAMSAR Manual was amended.

Additionally, when IMO requirements due to the size are presented as multiple documents, these documents are supplied with links to content inside the specific requirements, for easier navigation.

Forthcoming amendments to the mandatory conventions and codes are highlighted in green. Ref. Table of Contents > IMO requirements by enter into force date.


The online and offline versions are available on IMO’s web site for IMO-Vega, or on for Publications, Webshop/Purchase IMO publications/webshop. Customers can also purchase it from one of the local IMO distributors, they are listed under distributors details. They may also contact IMO publishing at


IMO’s web site for IMO-Vega


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