January 2015 legacy DNV Rules for Classification of Ships

Following the merger of legacy societies DNV and GL, the new society DNV GL will publish two parallel set of rules until a common rule set is in place. These sets of rules will be named legacy rules.

New and amended rules were formally approved on December 1st and are included in the 2015 January edition of the rules. These are now available in DNV Exchange.

Below is given a general overview of the changes. For more detailed information, please view the links and/or contact your local DNV GL office for further information.

Rules for Classification of Ships

Significant changes:

  • Hull and equipment (Pt.3 Ch.1/2/3)
  • IACS Common Structural Rules (previous Pt.8)

New class notation:

  • Gas ready (Pt.6 Ch.35)

A few comments:

Related to the changes for hull and equipment, the rule text is aligned with IACS S6 (rev. 7) and S27 (rev. 6), entailing the introduction of:

  • Clear material requirements to LNG carriers reflecting industry practise
  • Transition of the pressure formulas in Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.6 H402 and I402 to eliminate the abrupt “on-off” application at 0.1L or 22m height above the summer load waterline.

Concerning the IACS Common Structural Rules, the new IACS Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (CSR) is introduced, replacing former separate rules for bulker carriers and oil tankers.

The new class notation Gas ready covers newbuildings being partially prepared for a later conversion to LNG as fuel. This notation presents a useful framework for contract negotiations between owner and yard and also gives flexibility for the owner to adapt the solution best suited for his/her use as the notation offers several qualifiers to define the readiness the owner wants the ship to be delivered with.