Interim versions of amended regulations available in IMO-Vega online
The online version of IMO-Vega is extended with interim and consolidated versions of the instruments which were amended by Assembly 31 in December 2019.
Relevant for Design offices, shipyards, suppliers, owners/managers, flag states of all ship types.
IMO-Vega has been updated with PDF documents in which the latest amendments have been marked. These PDF files will be available until the next version of IMO-Vega is released in May 2020, when the PDF documents will be replaced by a regular update.
The instruments amended by this add-on include the PSC Procedure 2019, the HSSC Survey Guidelines, 2019 and the 2019 Non-Exhaustive list of obligations under the IMO Instruments Implementation Code (III Code).
We recommend our customers to use the updated (pdf) versions of the relevant regulations until next version of IMO-Vega is available in May 2020.
IMO's website for IMO-VegaContact
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