Interim versions of amended regulations available in IMO-Vega online

The online version of IMO-Vega is extended with interim versions of amended regulations which were amended by MEPC 74 in May 2019 and by MSC 101 in June 2019.

Relevant for Design offices, shipyards, suppliers, owners/managers, flag states of all ship types. 

The IMO-Vega Database, developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and DNV GL AS, puts all the necessary information on safety and pollution prevention requirements applicable to ships at your fingertips. Useful information for our customers:

IMO-Vega has been updated with PDF documents in which the latest amendments have been marked. These PDF files will be available until the next version of IMO-Vega is released in November 2019, when the PDF documents will be replaced by this regular update.

The regulations amended by this add-on include MARPOL Annexes I, II, V and VI, SOLAS Record of Equipment (Forms E, C and P), the Mandatory Codes; NOx, IBC, FSS, IGF, LSA, ESP, IMSBC and BCH, and the SPS Code (Form SPS) for ships certified before 2008-05-13. The PDF files can be found under their respective portals in IMO-Vega (SPS Code under Other Codes).


We recommend our customers to use the updated (pdf) versions of the relevant regulations until next version of IMO-Vega is available in November 2019. 


IMO's website for IMO-Vega


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