IMO DCS – deadline 31 May 2020 - first Statement of Compliance shall be onboard

With the first reporting year for IMO DCS ended (2019), and the deadline for reporting the data to the verifier has passed (31 March), a Statement of Compliance (SoC) shall be provided by the verifier and kept onboard no later than 31 May 2020. This statutory news is a reminder on how to stay in compliance with regulation 22A of MARPOL Annex VI.

Relevant for owners, managers and flag states.

Regulation 22A of MARPOL Annex VI requires ships to collect and report data on their fuel consumption, starting from 1 January 2019. For ships for which this regulation applies1 it is important that a valid SoC is readily available onboard for inspection together with the Confirmation of Compliance (CoC) for the SEEMP part II. The CoC (SEEMP part II) and the validity of the SoC (DCS) will be checked at each periodical statutory survey regardless of whether the DCS verifier having issued the SoC is the flag administration, class (RO), or any other verifier approved by the flag administration. As this is a new requirement, we expect that Port State Control (PSC) will focus on the SoC on DCS during any upcoming routine inspections.

For ships where DNV GL is the DCS verifier and authorized by the flag administration to issue the SoC, the SoC will be available in My Services on the Veracity platform when issued. The SoC is valid until 31 May the following year or when superseded by a new SoC.

Besides the annual issuance covering the emissions for the previous year, the SoC is also required issued in case of change of flag and/or company. Please see Technical & Regulatory News no 08/2019 for more details.


If for any reason there are any outstanding issues concerning the data reporting, or any reasons to believe that the SoC will not be issued before the deadline, we encourage ship owners /managers to contact their DCS verifier to avoid being non-compliant on 1 June.



  • For customers: DATE – Direct Access to Technical Experts via My Services on Veracity 
  • Otherwise: use our office locator to find the nearest DNV GL office.