GreenPowerMonitor introduces hybrid power plant controller for enhanced grid compliance

The new control solution provides complete integration with grid operators to hybrid plants in all markets it serves, providing flexibility to comply to all grid codes.

BARCELONA, Spain, 28 November 2023 – GreenPowerMonitor (GPM), a DNV Company, is proud to announce the launch of its new Hybrid Power Plant Controller (GPM Hybrid PPC).  Power Plant Controllers (PPCs) are control systems designed for managing real and reactive power from plants, either directly or through a Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) solution. PPCs communicate with inverters and turbines able to receive commands, independently of the monitoring and control of the facilities, to ensure that the relevant Utility requirements are complied with. GPM Hybrid PPC is an advanced controller, set to shake up hybrid plant management by effectively meeting grid codes in all markets it serves.

Unlike traditional renewable power plants that rely on a single power source, such as Photovoltaic (PV) or Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) plants, hybrid sites introduce a new level of complexity. The GPM Hybrid PPC leverages the unique characteristics of both PV and BESS, combining the strictly one-directional power of PV with the storage flexibility of BESS. This allows for a multitude of services and requirements, and, importantly, help plants avoid grid saturation situations by distributing the energy produced throughout the day.

At the heart of GPM Hybrid PPC is GreenPowerMonitor's Power Plant Controller software service, which ensures grid compliance at the Point of Interconnection (POI), thus enabling seamless integration with Transmission System Operators (TSOs). By intelligently distributing the required active power between the PV plant and the BESS, GPM Hybrid PPC guarantees optimal performance while meeting the stringent requirements imposed by TSOs.

DNV’s Energy Transition Outlook research, presented in October 2023, posits that transmission and distribution grid constraints are emerging as the key bottleneck for renewable electricity expansion and related distributed energy assets such as grid-connected storage and EV charging points in many regions.

Juan Carlos Arévalo, CEO at GreenPowerMonitor, a DNV company and Executive Vice President for Energy Systems at DNV

In countries with high renewable penetration, the grid connection point and permit are often the costliest elements when building a renewable energy plant. The best way to maximize permitting is to combine complementary production profiles, such as PV + Wind, PV + BESS or both”, explained Juan Carlos Arévalo, CEO at GreenPowerMonitor, a DNV company and Executive Vice President for Energy Systems at DNV. “Furthermore, GPM Hybrid PPC considers the manufacturer's recommendations for device control, ensuring extended device lifespan and increased overall profitability. It also adheres to the grid code of the country where it is installed, ensuring compliance and seamless integration”, he added.

GPM Hybrid PPC offers flexibility for quick integration, the ability to reuse developments for continuous improvement, and adaptability to meet the evolving needs of the sector and modifications of the network code. With its wide applicability, GPM Hybrid PPC can be implemented in numerous countries with varying requirements. All with the asserted will to contribute to the growth of renewable energy, striving to propel the industry towards a more sustainable and efficient future.

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