Girls Takeover at DNV
DNV is organizing a ‘Girls Takeover’ in collaboration with Plan International for the International Day of the Girl. This involves welcoming a young girl to take over a leading role in the company for a day, as a statement of girls’ power and potential.
What is Girls Takeover?
Many companies and organizations across the world – and even nations – have participated in Plan International’s Girls Takeover. Each year, hundreds of girls experience what a day at the helm of media, entertainment, business and politics is like, and raise their voices for rights and representation for girls and young women. Examples in recent years have included young girls stepping into roles such as CEO of Accenture, President of Paraguay’s Central Bank, OECD Secretary-General and Prime Minister of Finland.
For DNV this means two teenage girls will take over top roles in two different regions on 13 October. Regine, 15 years old and from Oslo will take over the role of Karin Monsen, Regional Manager Europe, Middle East and Africa, Digital Solutions. In Singapore, Ngoc, 16 years old from Vietnam will take over (remotely) the role of Hag Sung Kim, Regional Manager Asia-Pacific, Digital Solutions.
Digital careers for girls
The Girls Takeover enables DNV to get fresh perspectives and create employee engagement on equality, diversity, inclusion in the workplace and on the development of products and services adapted to female needs.
“The purpose is to hear young girls’ voices on equality,” says Jørn Lunde, SVP/People Director at DNV Digital Solutions. “We’re looking forward to welcoming Regine and Ngoc to DNV. We’re highlighting how important it is for girls to get equal opportunities, not only to end gender inequality, but to strengthen organizations and communities. Our focus for this year’s International Day of the Girl is ‘Girls in Tech’, which fits very well with DNV’s ambitions. Girls who are considering technical or digital careers should not have to think twice about it.”