DNV GL Launches High-Profile Research Program on Low Carbon Future
The transformation to a sustainable, low carbon future is one of the most urgent and complex challenges we face. In an effort to move things forward, DNV GL is launching a new research programme, Low Carbon Future, with two of the IPCC lead authors on-board.
“Climate mitigation efforts are sadly insufficient on the public policy arena, and it seems more and more likely that real breakthroughs can and must come from the private sector. Therefore we believe that the DNV GL research on this issue will have high visibility and potentially very high impact, says Cecilie Mauritzen, Programme Director for the Low Carbon Future Programme.
DNV GL has a long history of channeling 5 % of revenue into research and development each year, with 1 % allocated to strategic research. This allows the company to take a long term approach, and the Low Carbon Future Programme is centrally placed to help fulfil the company vision; ‘global impact for a safe and sustainable future’. The programme will focus on solutions-oriented research, enabled through the operational perspective of the company.
‘We work directly with the sectors and businesses most central to the transformation. At the same time, the strategic research at DNV GL allows us to take the longer, broader view, of arguably the hardest –yet most important and urgent transformation known to mankind, says Dr. Mauritzen.
Cecilie Mauritzen, a physical oceanographer by training, comes from the position as director of the climate research institute CICERO in Oslo, and has been a lead author for both the 4th and 5th Assessment Reports of IPCC. Asun St.Clair, a philosopher and sociologist, was lead author for IPCC’s fifth Assessment Report. The team members cover a broad range of disciplines, and will work with the opportunities and barriers involved in transforming from a fossil-based world to a low carbon, sustainable and equitable future.
How the transformation is to be realized is extremely difficult to envision. In an effort to seek concrete and specific answers, a core team of DNV GL’s researchers, has already collaborated extensively with other organizations and thought leaders over the last 18 months. The result is a comprehensive report, envisioning how 9 billion people can thrive within the environmental limits of the planet.
“I am pleased that Cecilie Mauritzen has accepted to lead the programme, and that we already have two of the IPCC authors onboard. This demonstrates DNV GL’s commitment to lead the way and tackle climate change head-on, says Bjørn Haugland, Chief Sustainability Officer at DNV GL.