DNV GL at SMM 2014 – A new Forum for the maritime industry

Presenting the DNV GL Forum – A new venue for visitors to SMM to get a broader view of the maritime world.

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DNV GL Forum at SMM, East Entrance

Every two years in September the city of Hamburg stops for the SMM, the leading international trade fair for the maritime world. For DNV GL this fair is very much a part of our history and our business allowing us to share our ideas, and our vision for the future.

This year we have decided, in recognition of the anniversary of our foundation, to mark this milestone by acting for the first time as the main sponsor of the whole fair. We are very proud to be taking this leading role at the fair and are taking this opportunity to connect with our customers, industry stakeholders and fairgoers at the new DNV GL Forum.

Throughout the week, the DNV GL Forum will allow us to offer you a broader view on the latest technologies, market conditions and pressing challenges of the maritime world. Visit us at the DNV GL Forum to take part in the expert presentations, discussions and debates which will be held during the course of the week. With topics that cover every ship type, emerging technologies, the regulatory landscape, efficiency gains and much more, the forum is sure to have something to offer you and your business. We look forward to meeting you there and your active participation in what is sure to be a highlight of this year’s SMM.

You can find the DNV GL Forum at East Entrance. We will also be present at our stand – No. 207 in Hall B4.GF (ground floor). Please note that the speakers and topics may be subject to change. You can always find an up-to-date programme on our website at dnvgl.com/forum

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