DNV contracted by Ørsted and PGE to certify Baltica 2 offshore wind farm in Poland

DNV has been contracted by Ørsted and PGE to certify Baltica 2 offshore wind farm in Poland. The project, located in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea, is set to contribute significantly to Poland’s green energy transition, accelerate the development of the local supply chain and spur economic activity for many years to come.

DNV’s scope of work includes the delivery of certificates for the windfarms related to design and fabrication/installation/commissioning in accordance with relevant Polish laws, regulations and codes. The following assets are defined as relevant for certification: wind turbine generators, foundations, offshore substation platforms, inter-array cables and offshore export cables. 

Kim Sandgaard-Mørk, Executive Vice President for Renewables Certification at DNV

“Poland is planning impressively rapid growth in offshore wind. Bringing a proven technology to a new market with new stakeholders also brings new challenges. Certification offers a proven, structured, and well trusted way to minimize and manage the risks of rolling out a technology in an emerging offshore wind market like Poland” explains Kim Sandgaard-Mørk, Executive Vice President for Renewables Certification at DNV.   

To better serve Poland and customers moving into offshore wind in Poland, DNV is growing its local certification team in Gdynia and has recently appointed Krystian Slodzinka as Country Manager for Renewables Certification Poland.  

“DNV is authorized by the Ministry of Infrastructure and we are very happy to see the industry’s positive reception to DNV’s Polish-dedicated certification scheme. This scheme has significantly helped the industry to establish a shared understanding between the globally accepted certification process and the specific requirements of Polish law. The official authorization is reflecting the confidence that the Ministry has placed in our expertise and commitment to support the safe and reliable growth of Poland’s offshore wind industry,” says Krystian Slodzinka, Country Manager for Renewables Certification Poland

DNV has now more than 700 employees in Poland, providing assurance and risk management services to customers across different sectors, including the energy, oil and gas, offshore and maritime industries. We bring trust to the entire energy value chain through our advisory, monitoring, verification, and certification.

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About DNV

DNV is an independent assurance and risk management provider, operating in more than 100 countries. Through its broad experience and deep expertise DNV advances safety and sustainable performance, sets industry standards, and inspires and invents solutions.

Whether assessing a new ship design, qualifying technology for a floating wind farm, analyzing sensor data from a gas pipeline or certifying a food company's supply chain, DNV enables its customers and their stakeholders to manage technological and regulatory complexity with confidence. 

Driven by its purpose, to safeguard life, property, and the environment, DNV helps its customers seize opportunities and tackle the risks arising from global transformations. DNV is a trusted voice for many of the world’s most successful and forward-thinking companies.

In the energy industry

DNV provides assurance to the entire energy value chain through its advisory, monitoring, verification, and certification services. As the world's leading resource of independent energy experts and technical advisors, the assurance provider helps industries and governments to navigate the many complex, interrelated transitions taking place globally and regionally, in the energy industry. DNV is committed to realizing the goals of the Paris Agreement, and supports customers to transition faster to a deeply decarbonized energy system.