News from DNV

25 March, 2025

New DNV recommended practice aims to revolutionize digital parts management in the energy sector

DNV has announced a new recommended practice, DNV-RP-B205 Digital inventories and on-demand manufacturing, set to transform parts management in the energy sector. This framework helps the sector assess the maturity of a digital part, from initial design or data capture to qualification and production. The process includes 3D scanning, capturing design data, generating engineering documentation, and preparing order-ready parts through on-demand manufacturing. 

  • Energy
05 March, 2025

DNV and EGPC partner to advance HSE, process safety, and sustainability through digital transformation

Digital Solutions at DNV and the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to develop an Integrated Governance Framework for Health, Safety & Environment (HSE), Process Safety, and Sustainability. This collaboration will leverage DNV’s industry-leading digital solutions, including Synergi Life, to enhance EGPC’s operational safety, compliance, and sustainability efforts.

03 March, 2025

IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE 11)

The 11th session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE 11) took place from 24 to 28 February 2025. SSE 11 agreed on draft amendments to the design and prototype test requirements for the arrangements used in simulated the launching of free-fall lifeboats. Measures for the detection and control of fires in the cargo areas of container ships were progressed, and an action plan for the consideration of fire risks for ships carrying electrical vehicles and other new-energy vehicles were agreed. Ventilation requirements for partially enclosed lifeboats were drafted.

  • Maritime