
Environmentally acceptable stern tube lubricants – how to avoid costly failures (October, 2019)

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In recent years, an increasing number of costly stern tube bearing, and aft seal failures have been reported across multiple ship segments and sizes.

These above-mentioned failures have coincided with the increased uptake of environmentally acceptable lubricants (EALs) after the December 2013 introduction of regulations prohibiting the use of mineral oils in all oil-to-sea interfaces on board commercial vessels trading in US waters. While most of the breakdowns have been caused by a combination of factors, the performance of the lubricants themselves has been drawn into question by the industry. In other words: are EALs a safe solution for the future? In this webinar, DNV presented the main findings from an extensive EAL research project together with key lessons learned over the past five years.

Webinar agenda:

  • Background on the EAL research project, main results and conclusions
  • Updated class design requirements for EAL applications and recommendations by DNV
  • Market update, design trends and sharing of DNV experience
  • Questions & answers session

The webinar is relevant both for newbuilding designs and existing vessels currently running with EALs or planning to convert.

The presenters are Øystein Alnes, Principal Engineer, DNV Group Technology & Research, and Arun Sethumadhavan, Senior Principal Engineer, Hull, Materials & Machinery, both DNV – Maritime.

Get access to the webinar recording and slide deck via the form above.