Alternative Fuels Online Conference (October, 2020)

Request access to seven presentation recordings and slide decks

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Get an overview of the technical and regulatory landscape of the many alternative fuels for ships.

The following sessions are available as recordings plus slide decks: 

  1. Uptake of alternative fuels: status and trends (DNV) 
  2. Scrubbers: Experience and outlook (Yara Marine) 
  3. LNG's pathway to decarbonization (Shell LNG)
  4. DNV Maritime Forecast to 2050 (DNV)
  5. Experience with methanol as fuel (Methanex)
  6. Ammonia as a marine fuel  (DNV)
  7. Tanker market adapting to future expectations (DNV)
  8. Panel discussion: End users’ perspectives on decarbonization 

Speakers and panelists

AF Online Conference - Speakers and Panelists  

Get access to the webinar recording and slide deck via the form above.