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Cyber threats are increasing, and cyber security is an increasingly important topic for the maritime and offshore industries.
The advances in vessel design and construction have been rapidly developing over the past years, and the level of system integration and connectivity of vessels is increasing quickly. This requires yards and manufacturers to thoroughly consider cyber security in their system integration and design, network topology and remote connection.
Also, with the upcoming requirements from IMO, ship owners and managers have until 1 January 2021 to incorporate cyber risk management into their Safety Management System (SMS). Shipyards and manufacturers are requested to demonstrate how they contribute to securing ship operation.
This webinar focusing on how to implement cyber security into the design and construction of new vessels and systems, and how to apply the DNV Cyber secure class rules.
The agenda covers:
- Cyber security developments in the maritime and offshore industry
- How DNV addresses cyber security for newbuildings and systems
- Applying DNV Cyber Secure class notation to a newbuilding
- Cyber secure type approval of your system or component
- Advisory & testing support for yards and suppliers
- Cyber secure by design – a sample project with RCL
- Q&A
This webinar is especially relevant for yards, and control & bridge system manufacturers, but also other stakeholders of the maritime industry may benefit.
The webinar was presented by Svante Einarsson, Team Leader Cyber Security, Maritime Advisory, Thierry Coq, Functional Safety Professional, Maritime Advisory, and Jarle Coll Blomhoff, Group Leader Cyber Safety & Security, Ship Classification, all from DNV - Maritime.