New station-keeping capability standard for better benchmarking of DP vessels (March, 2017)

Exclusive content from our webinar held 7 March, 2017

Technical progress and a more extensive use of DP (Dynamic Positioning) vessels have made it necessary to develop a new standard for assessing the DP station-keeping capability of ships. The result has been a new DP standard which responds to today’s industry challenges. The standard has just been presented for the industry.

The main aspects of the new standard were also described in this webinar and the free My DNV GL web-app supporting the calculation was presented.

The webinar was mainly relevant for owners, operators, designers and builders of DP vessels.

Luca Pivano, Principal Specialist DP Simulations, and Aleks Karlsen, Principal Specialist - DP Systems from DNV GL - Maritime were the presenters.

Below you find the recording as well as a download link to the presentation (PDF):

Download and further information: