Implementation of the NZ Noise Vessel Specification by New Zealand Ports

Implementation of the NZ Noise Vessel Specification by New Zealand Ports

IMPORTANT UPDATE: On 2024-05-28 New Zealand’s ports informed that the NZ Ship Noise Specification won’t be implemented as planned on 1st June. The ports are reconsidering the implementation phase and there is no timeline for that process. Regardless, Ports of Auckland have decided to keep monitoring all container vessels that are new to New Zealand ports to maintain a database, meaning to continue the interim phase on behalf in the meantime. In this period vessels are asked to provide a certified NEPTUNEs Noise Label Score or confirm that a reactive silencer is fitted to one of the auxiliary engines used while at berth. If neither are available, then a noise label score will be derived for that vessel using a simplified measurement procedure. This monitoring can be undertaken at a convenient time at one of the vessel’s NZ port calls, ideally on its first visit.

Please contact us in case you wish to receive updates on latest developments on this topic also in the future.  

All container vessels visiting a New Zealand port will be required to provide a Noise Label Score according to the Environmental Ship Index (ESI), following the NEPTUNES protocol, or confirm that a reactive silencer is fitted to one of ancillary engines used while at berth. If either of these requirements is not met, then from 1 June 2024 the vessel will be refused entry to any New Zealand port.

According to the New Zealand ports, the low-frequency “rumble” from container vessel auxiliary generators is the major source of community noise complaints at NZ ports. In response to this, New Zealand ports collectively adopted the NZ Noise Specification in December 2022, designed to manage the impacts of low-frequency vessel noise on port communities by ensuring quieter vessels are utilized on NZ services. The noise specification will come into force for all container vessels calling at any NZ port from 1 June 2024.

Not only in NZ, complaints about noise from oceangoing vessels at berth are becoming increasingly an issue. Besides that, many cruise terminals are located near historic city centres and residential areas are located close to industrial ports. As a consequence of the complaints, several ports initiated a project called NEPTUNES, which led to the implementation of a specific noise index within the framework of the environmental incentive system Environmental Ship Index (ESI) by the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH).

Vessels that have carried out corresponding noise measurements can collect ESI-noise points. In addition to previous environmental incentives, particularly quiet ships are granted a further discount on the port fee. To get the ESI-noise points, a noise measurement report needs to be submitted to ESI. The measurements need to be conducted by a noise measurement bureau accepted by ESI, such as DNV.

Receive ESI-noise report from DNV

DNV is pleased to offer our ESI-noise services, designed specifically to address your needs. Beside performing the initial noise measurement survey and preparing the required documentation to be submitted to ESI, we can support you in reducing the noise emitted by your ship in case of a negative score. Based on our long-lasting experience and efficient simulation tools, our experts can propose and assess different kind of noise reduction measures.

Our Maritime Advisory team is dedicated to ensuring you receive the support needed to remain compliant with the new rules.

Class notation QUIET

The noise measurements conducted for ESI-noise can be combined with our class notation QUIET, enabling operators of DNV-classed vessels to prove their ships comply with noise to air emission restrictions.

Your benefits of the class notation QUIET:

  • Improved environmental branding and a positive company
  • Better chance to receive better berthing positions closer to the port city, which is particularly beneficial to passenger ships
  • Potentially lower port fees, which can result in high savings over time