Validity of DNV ERS™ enrolment
As a general principle and if not otherwise agreed, the ERS™ contract for a vessel or fleet has no expiry date and remains valid until terminated by the parties and in accordance with the Terms and Conditions. The service is for access to shore-based support and once contracted it remains unchanged. The principle for open end contract is adopted by DNV ERS™ for convenience to the customers.
The issued ERS™ Declaration is a document confirming that the specific ship is enrolled in DNV ERS™ and in line with the contract it does not have expiry date.
Validity of ERS™ is maintained by the yearly subscription. When the subscription is valid it is confirmed by ERS record displayed on vessel’s identification section on Veracity, under Other DNV services.
Vessel identification section on Veracity can be accessed as follows:
- Log on Veracity with company specific username and password, or
- Go to: Vessel register for DNV ( without login routines