Compliance with regulations on ERS™
Enrolment in DNV ERS™ ensures compliance with the following regulations and requirements:
- MARPOL, Annex I, Ch.5, Reg.37(4) – for oil tankers, FPSOs and FSUs
- US Oil Pollution Act (OPA90) 33 CFR, Ch.1, Subchapter O, Part 155, Subpart 155.240 – Damage Stability information for oil tankers and offshore barges
- US Oil Pollution Act (OPA 90) 33 CFR, Ch.1, Subchapter O, Part 155, Subpart D – Tank vessel Response Plan, Subpart I – Salvage And Marine Firefighting, Subpart J – Non-tank Vessel Response Plan
- SOLAS Ch. II-1, Pt.B-1, Reg. 8-1 - Passenger vessels (Safe Return to Port)
- Part of ISM Code Section 8 – Emergency Preparedness
- Part of MEPC.54(32) – Guidelines for the development of SOPEP and SMPEP
- OCIMF – Guidelines on Capabilities of Emergency Response Services
- IACS Recommendation No. 145 for the operation of shore-based emergency response services
- DNV Rules, Ships, Part 6, Ch.7 Environmental protection and pollution control, class notations Clean and Clean(Design)