The Leading Maritime Cities of the World 2022

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The Leading Maritime Cities of the World report is compiled in cooperation between DNV and Menon Economics, providing insights into which global hubs offer the best infrastructure, technology, finance, and world-class talent, to help the maritime community connect and prosper. It benchmarks each maritime city based on five key pillars – Shipping, Maritime Finance & Law, Maritime Technology, Ports & Logistics and Attractiveness & Competitiveness. The 2022 analysis uses some new and more comprehensive objective and subjective indicators, as well as data sources to facilitate a more refined benchmarking of the relative performance of each city.

Singapore retains its number 1 spot overall, also holding the top positions in two pillars: Maritime Technology as well as Attractiveness & Competitiveness. Rotterdam came in 2nd, scores well particularly in Ports & Logistics and Attractiveness & Competitiveness, while London climbed from 5th to 3rd position overall. Fourth and 5th place goes to two Asian cities, Shanghai followed by Tokyo.

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