Biofuels in Shipping

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This white paper sheds light on the potential role of biofuels in the decarbonization of the maritime industry. An overview of the current status of biofuels with respect to uptake and regulations for shipping is given, and we provide practical advice on preparations needed before using biofuels onboard a vessel. In addition, we estimate the total potential production of sustainable biofuels given constraints on biomass and compare this to the current and planned production capacity from our database covering more than 5000 existing and planned biofuel production projects.

Based on the results presented in this white paper, we believe it is likely that biofuels can and will play a significant role in decarbonizing shipping. However, the use of biofuels will be constrained by limitations on production capacity and competition with other sectors for biofuels supply. Therefore, biofuels are unlikely to be the only solution to shipping’s decarbonization goals. 

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