DNV's Maritime Academy offers one of the broadest course portfolios in the industry. You can choose from already existing courses or we can tailor one for you to suit your company's specific needs. If we do not have an existing course on the topic you have in mind, we will work with you and develop a special course or training programme to meet your requirements. The aim is to help you effectively improve your business performance and to prepare you to the best of our ability for future challenges.
Any topic, anytime, anywhere
In-house training is the most economical way to train employees: A course held at your premises (e.g. at your offices, onboard on one of your ships or at one of your workshops) saves your employees the time and expense of travelling to an external venue. In-house training is scheduled at your convenience and can be designed as a single session or as multiple sessions. DNV is present in over 100 countries with Academies in key locations. With a global network and a global standard of excellence we can deliver training wherever you require it.
We have been working closely with DNV Academy for many years, delivering a variety of maritime trainings to Thenamaris employees, through both customized-inhouse and open deliveries. Experienced instructors, solid course curriculums and very responsive customer advisors, have consistently contributed to our effort to keep up with the latest shipping industry developments in pursue of continuous learning and improvement.
Tina Moutzouri, HR Manager & Eleni Pagona, HR Systems & Training Officer
DNV demonstrates prompt handling of our training requests, provides quality service and customized solutions, as well as a variety of seminars for the Shipping Industry, focusing both on hard and soft skills.