Existing ships

There are many vessels operating today with “industrial personnel” or non-maritime crew on board. Since there are currently no mandatory international regulations applicable for such operation, there have been several different compliance schemes applied by the different flag administrations for such operations. The most common regulations used as reference for acceptance have been:

  • The “Interim recommendations on the safe carriage of more than 12 industrial personnel on board vessels engaged on international voyages” (Res. MSC.418(97))
  • 2008 SPS Code
  • 1983 SPS Code (Res. A.534(13))
  • SOLAS passenger ship regulations

The IP Code is intended to take over as the applicable compliance scheme, and to make it clearer to all parties what requirements will apply for carrying industrial personnel on international voyages.

All ships to which the IP Code applies shall have on board an Industrial Personnel Safety Certificate.

Application and “grandfathering” provisions

For existing vessels, irrespective of their date of construction, from the date of entry into force, the IP Code applies to:

  • Cargo ships and high-speed cargo craft
    • of 500 gross tonnage and upwards, and
    • which will carry more than a total of 12 industrial personnel, special personnel and passengers combined, and
    • which will be operating on international voyages.
  • High-speed cargo craft shall not carry more than 60 persons on board.

Read more about how to obtain an Industrial Personnel Safety Certificate by expanding the relevant blocks below.



“Grandfathering” provisions for obtaining IP certification are provided in the SOLAS Chapter XV Regulation 3 for existing cargo ships and high-speed cargo craft as follows:
  1. All vessels shall, prior to the entry-into-force date, have been authorized by the administration to carry more than 12 industrial personnel based on the recommendations developed by the organization (Res. MSC.418(97)).
  2. For cargo ships: Vessels shall comply with the requirements III/1, III/2 (except for paragraph 2.1.7), IV/7 and IV/8 of the IP Code by the first intermediate or renewal survey, whichever occurs first, after the entry-into-force date.
  3. For high-speed cargo craft: Vessels shall comply with the requirements III/1, III/2 (except for paragraph 2.1.7), V/7 and V/8 of the IP Code by the third periodical or first renewal survey, whichever occurs first, after the entry-into-force date.

Item no. 1 above implies that it is important that vessels already carrying industrial personnel obtain formal authorization from the administration to be covered by the grandfathering provisions for IP certification, and hence not have to be (re-)certified with respect to the complete IP Code.

In addition to item no. 1 above: It should be noted that “the recommendations developed by the organization (Res. MSC.418(97))” recommend that industrial personnel may be carried on board ships meeting the provisions of the 2008 SPS Code or other standards, providing they meet an equivalent level of safety acceptable to the administration.

DNV recommends shipowners already carrying industrial personnel to contact the relevant flag administration to obtain formal confirmation on whether their vessels are considered covered by the grandfathering provisions, or if any actions are required to obtain IP certification.


Vessels which currently (and within 1 July 2024) do not operate with more than 12 industrial personnel, and which have no specific authorization from the relevant flag administration to do so, will not be covered by the grandfathering provisions, and hence they have to be certified with respect to the complete IP Code to obtain an Industrial Personnel Safety Certificate.


The IP Code applies to ships from 500 GT operating on international voyages.

However, it is recognized that the transport of a large number of industrial personnel will take place either within the confines of a particular coastal state or between a base port and an offshore installation outside territorial waters.

To facilitate international movement and safe operations of ships carrying industrial personnel, administrations are encouraged to also apply this code to ships operating only on such voyages.

The flag administrations may also apply the IP Code and issue IP certificates to ships below 500 GT if they comply (as far as practicable) to the satisfaction of the administration, with all relaxations indicated on the certificate.

DNV can help!

Do you need advice with respect to the entry into force of the IP Code, how to approach the flag administration and what you need to do (if anything) to be allowed to continue or start operating with industrial personnel on board? Please use the contact options provided below.

For managers and owners who are customers of DNV 

For more information about how the IP Code may affect or be of relevance to your fleet, please contact us through DATE (Direct Access to Technical Experts) via the customer portal, and make sure to include:

  • Name/ID of the relevant vessel
  • Vessel’s flag
  • Current relevant certification / level of compliance (to the extent and detail known)
  • Intended area of operation

If you are not a customer of DNV yet 

Our advisory experts are there to support you along the path to compliance.

Or you may contact your nearest DNV office who will guide you further.