CII – Carbon Intensity Indicator
Emissions Insights – compliance with our CO2 emissions monitoring tool
DNV’s CO2 Emissions Insights tool supplements your emissions and performance monitoring, providing you with everything you need to comply with regulatory requirements, plus the ability to better manage your fleet and identify opportunities to increase efficiency.
Our smart solution for your environmental emissions management
- Effectively manages DCS data and provides easy datasharing through reports.
- Monitors fleet trends and development of CII (Carbon Intensity Index) throughout the year.
- Enables you to track your vessels performance with respect to CO2 emission to ensure that measures implemented in SEEMP part III plan are effective.
- Compares fleet results with industry benchmarks to ensure compliance and competitiveness.
- Helps your business communicate compliance to lenders and other partners, for example, to adhere to the Poseidon Principles.
- Identifies, evaluates and suggests areas of improvement.
Emissions Insights is a dashboard that gives you an overview of your fleet’s performance over the years and provides you with the preliminary CII and Environmental Ratings for your fleet. It is available for all DNV’s DCS customers as a part of MRV&DCS service with DNV.
It also gives you access to dashboards concerning Poseidon Principles and trial CIIs:
- Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI)
- Energy Efficiency Performance Indicator (EEPI)
- clDIST
- cbDIST
Starting from 2023, CII correction factors and voyage adjustments reported in your DCS data are also taken into account. It gives you possibility to track if measures and correction factors introduced in SEEEMP part III are contributing to improvement of vessels efficiency according to plan. “Corrected CII” shows you impact of selected correction factors and reported voyage adjustments on attained CII for each vessel.
Emissions Insights also gives you an opportunity to self-evaluate and improve your fleet’s CII considering your fleet’s Preliminary Ratings History.
Preliminary Future Rating section shows you what will be your future results considering rating thresholds becoming increasingly stringent.
Please note that access to the dashboard is regulated as the information contained therein is deemed sensitive. For access, please contact your company’s Veracity portal administrator.