Corrected CII

The 2022 Interim guidelines on correction factors and voyage adjustments for CII calculations (G5) may be applied to the calculation of the attained annual operational CII.

This means that for certain ship types and operations a “correction” to the CII may be given, either by removing a certain periods of the operation or by reducing the CII value based on given criteria. 

Corrections with their applicability

Voyage adjustments - FCvoyage,j:

  • Securing the safety of a ship or saving life at sea  – all vessels
  • Sailing in ice conditions – ice-classed vessels

Correction factors:

  • AFTankerSTS – oil tankers engaged in STS voyages
  • AFTankerShuttle – shuttle tankers equipped with dynamic positioning
  • FCelectrical – ships carrying refrigerated containers/gas carriers/LNG carriers/tankers
  • FCboiler – tankers
  • FCothers – tankers

EEDI & EEXI correction factors:

  • 𝑓𝑖 - capacity correction factor for ice-classed ships
  • 𝑓𝑚 - ships having ice classes IA Super and IA
  • 𝑓𝑐 - cubic capacity correction factors for chemical tankers
  • 𝑓𝑖,𝑉𝑆𝐸 represents the correction factor for ship-specific voluntary structural enhancement

DNV announced New DCS reporting scheme for CII correction factors in September 2022. In order to apply corrections, reporting should be adjusted accordingly.