Maritime Cyber Security

Industry insights and recommended steps to build cyber security resilience

Why cyber security is essential for your business ?

As the maritime industry rapidly digitalizes, robust cyber security is essential. Advanced digital systems have greatly improved vessel operations and efficiency but also introduced significant cyber risks.

With increased connectivity, the maritime sector is a prime target for cyber threats from criminals and state actors. The integration of Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) on vessels heightens these risks, emphasizing the need for strong security measures. 

In this event, we addressed the evolving landscape of cyber threats within maritime and the imperative for IACS compliance. The event featured on-stage presentations streamed to a global audience, along with on-site Q&A sessions with DNV experts. The recorded event will be shared with all the registrants.

In the meantime, we recommend taking our cyber maturity self-assessment test linked below to evaluate your current cyber status and receive actionable tips.

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