Autoremote is the adjective DNV coined to refer to any operation, task, function or system where the intention is to create additional decision support, remote control, or autonomous functionality compared to a conventional, crewed ship. In this context, an autoremote vessel is equipped with autoremote systems that enable the desired function. For more details about the autoremote functions, please visit Class Notations.

The autoremote systems category is a wide variety of systems built to enable autonomous and remotely operated vessels. They range from navigation decision support systems to remote GMDSS operations, and remote operation of machinery. Since they are so different and can execute various functions, there is no one-size-fits all approach to the evaluation of these systems. For that, DNV uses a risk-based approach called System Qualification.

System qualification (SQ) can be used when a company is developing novel technology and wants to ‘prove’ that a system is capable of safely performing its defined functions and capabilities, while also being commercially viable. The system may contain new technologies or use existing technologies in new ways in the context of ship operations.

The system qualification process is suitable for 2 different situations. As part of the Concept qualification (detailed in Autoremote vessels), to evaluate the new technologies used specifically for that concept. The outcome of this process can be a Product Certification. The SQ can also be a stand-alone process to assess the novel technology independent of any vessel concept, which can have a Type Approval as an outcome. Both concept-specific and general system qualifications focus on safety, performance, reliability, availability and maintainability.

Details about the process and documentation needed for a System qualification can be found in DNV-CG-0264 Section 3.3.

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