Offshore technical guidance documents for download

We support you in operational excellence and cost management

DNV technical guidance documents are developed and based on the competence and experience of our global network of engineers, extensive research, development programs and through close cooperation with our customers worldwide. We meet a changing business environment with regulatory foresight and industry insights and continuously develop our standards and guidelines in order to be in the forefront. We ensure that offshore units are safe, efficient and reliable whilst secure that our customers stay at the competitive edge.

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DNVGL-OTG-08 “Guidance on bottom survey” has been replaced by DNV-CG-0608 “Bottom survey guidance for mobile offshore units”.

DNV-OTG-09: REGULATORY COMPLIANCE OF OFFSHORE UNITS / Atlantic Canada Regions - Certifying Authority and Classification Services 

In this publication we provide an overview of the regulatory regime for Mobile Offshore Units intended to operate in regions off the eastern coast of Canada. The document outlines the processes by which the requirements of the administrations for the relevant Canadian regions can be met through application of Class systematics. Furthermore, the document stipulates requirements related to a Classification notation PROD(CAN) for hydrocarbon processing facilities intended to operate in areas under the jurisdiction of the Canada-Newfoundland & Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB).


DNV-OTG-10 "DP-CLASSED VESSELS WITH CLOSED BUS-TIE(S)" has been replaced by DNV-RP-0591  “Redundant dynamic positioning systems with closed bus-ties”.


Well tests often happen at relatively short notice and in many cases it is an activity arranged by the operator with little input from the rig owner.
Notwithstanding, the owner is responsible for the installation and compliance with applicable classification requirements. Furthermore, the design and installation is usually performed by a 3rd party “well test company” likely utilizing temporary equipment for (a large share of) the well test installation. Conclusively, a well test installation involves many different disciplines and applicable classification rules.
The above described situation can in many cases lead to an inefficient process and in some cases confusion with regards to requirements (as included in DNV Rules for classification), roles and responsibilities. This underlines the need for guidance assisting the well test companies and the rig owners to get the design prepared appropriately.


To ensure units are being operated in compliance with the applicable rules and requirements, a rig owner need to know the exact lightweight and centre of gravity at all times. The vertical centre of gravity (VCG) of the unit directly influences stability and, therefore, safety and the unit needs to be operated within limiting VCG curves. Apart from complying with various regulators’ specific requirements, correct lightweight parameters are directly linked to the variable deck load (VDL) capacity of the unit and hence have an economical value as well.
This guidance document provides an overview of the various requirements relating to lightweight determination and advices on follow up during the lifetime for the various types of offshore units.


New edition June 2019: The air gap of a column-stabilised unit is defined as the vertical distance between the underside of the deckbox and the wave elevation. Negative air gap will occur if the wave elevation is higher than the underside of the deckbox. In case of negative air gap, possible slamming loads needs to be accounted for to the bottom plating and/or vertical bulkheads of the deckbox structure. The objective of this guidance document is to define a recommended procedure for estimating air gap for column-stabilised units in compliance with DNV-OS-C103.


New edition June 2019: The air gap of a column-stabilised unit is defined as the vertical distance between the underside of the deckbox and the wave elevation. Negative air gap will occur if the wave elevation is higher than the underside of the deckbox. In case of negative air gap, possible slamming loads needs to be accounted for to the bottom plating and/or vertical bulkheads of the deckbox structure. The object of this OTG is to provide a guidance document for the loads to be used to document structural and floating integrity of MOUs that are subject to horizontal wave impact with the deck in the design conditions in compliance with DNV-OS-C103.


DNVGL-OTG-15 “IN-WATER TERMINALS” has been replaced by DNV-RU-OU-0571 “Floating infrastructure installations”.

DNV-OTG-16: Offshore loading units (July 2019)

This document has been developed in order to assist designers and owners of offshore loading units on how these types of units can be classed with DNV. It clarifies how to apply DNV-OS-E403 Offshore loading units, and which rules and standards that are applicable for design and construction of these units. It also provides guidance on the different phases for the classification of these units like: Approval of design, survey during construction and installation, certification, commissioning, class transfers and inspections while in service.

DNV-OTG-17: Inspection planning of MOUs in-service by use of RBI methodology (August 2019)

This document has been developed in order to assist owners of offshore units on how they can use risk based inspection (RBI) techniques for inspection planning of their units. When planned and executed correctly these techniques can replace traditional calendar based inspection intervals. The document gives guidance on how to apply the RBI methodology and how the plans should to be refined in-service.


This document has been developed in order to address the issue of long term mooring near-shore. It is recognized that existing rules and standards do not fully address this issue, since our POSMOOR Rules are primarily based on offshore bottom mooring and shipping codes primarily consider short term mooring at shore. In order therefore to clarify our approach to the specific challenges of near/at shore mooring we have now issued this Offshore Technical Guidance, to be used as a supplement to our existing Offshore Standard DNV-OS-E301 Position Mooring Systems. The OTG addresses aspects specific to mooring in shallow water and mooring at jetties or quayside for a long period. The document is particularly relevant for floating LNG regasification units (FSRU), floating LNG liquefaction units (FLNG) taking gas from shore, and floating storage units, but may be used for any floating installation with an equivalent mooring arrangement.


This guidance has been developed to help designers and owners by showing a process that can be used for verification during early phase design or when developing novel concepts and technology. This process can be used during early concept phase through pre-FEED to FEED phase. By doing the right evaluations at an early phase significant savings may be achieved during subsequent design and construction phases.


This guidance has been developed to give owners of floating offshore unit an introduction to EU “Offshore Safety Directive”, and show how classification can be used as part of the work toward demonstrating compliance to the directive. It provides examples of how classification and verification can work together to ensure efficient processes for both scopes.

DNV-OTG-22: Guidelines for compliance with Brazilian shelf state regulations (February 2021)

In this publication we provide an overview of the regulatory regime for Mobile Offshore Units intended to operate in Brazilian continental shelf. The document outlines the main requirements of the Brazilian regulators and how many of these can be met through application of class systematics. Furthermore, the document stipulates requirements related to a Classification notations Oil production Unit(BRA), Oil production Installation(BRA), Oil storage Unit(BRA), Oil storage Installation(BRA), and PROD(BRA) for hydrocarbon processing facilities intended to operate in Brazilian continental shelf.

DNV-OTG-24: Fish escape prevention from marine fish farms (July 2020)

Increased demand for safe operations of fish farms in exposed coastal areas and further offshore brings in new challenges when it comes to aquaculture requirements and fish control. The primary focus of this document is related to offshore fish farming units and installation in general where prevention of fish escape is of the essence. These requirements are applicable for fish farms in any waters globally and not restricted to specific local statutory codes and standards.  

This offshore technical guidance defines requirements for design, fabrication and the in-service phase of fish control systems on marine fish farms, such as net pens, fish transfer system and net stretch arrangement. Main focus is technical integrity of equipment or systems applied where failure or defects may result in escape of fish. Arrangement and integrity of net pen, ropes and other systems on-board supporting fish control and restriction of fish movement are addressed. In addition, technical as well as certification requirements with respect to ability to prevent escape of fish from marine fish farms are defined. Use of this document may be as part of either a classification involvement for the voluntary class notation Aquaculture or as a certification/verification service or other advisory services provided by DNV to a specific project.

DNV-OTG-25: Infection prevention and mitigation (September 2021)

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the maritime industry, and we see an urgent need to mitigate infection risk in order to restore business continuity. When it comes to requirements for infection prevention and control, there is a lack of clarity and alignment across jurisdictions, making it difficult for yards and owners/operators to quickly implement suitable solutions which satisfy requirements and promotes confidence towards stakeholder and public expectations.
The objective of this offshore technical guidance (OTG) is to provide general guidance to support the development of suitable arrangements for prevention and control of infectious diseases during the design and construction of mobile offshore units (MOUs). This OTG covers technical elements of the physical environment of the asset to mitigate the occurrence and transmission of infectious diseases.

DNV-OTG-27: Life extension of floating production installations (February 2022)

Floating production installations (FPIs) are normally designed for a specified service life (typically 20 years). Owners often want to extend the use of the installations beyond their original design life. Shelf authorities and field operators will in such cases normally require the installations to demonstrate that safe and reliable operation is achievable for the specified extended period. DNV-OTG-27 outlines a class-based procedure for systematically documenting a life extension process of existing FPIs that have reached their originally specified design life. Upon completion of this procedure, installations may be granted the voluntary class notation EXT.