Regulatory compliance

Regulatory compliance with applicable continental shelf legislation forms the backbone of any permit to operate. Such requirements are subject to constant change. On the one hand, this is due to calls for higher safety levels and, on the other, the need for lower costs as a result of falling oil prices and ever higher exploration costs.

DNV is deeply involved with the industry in geographical locations all around the world. We support you in facing regulatory compliance by performing research and development, drawing up relevant rules and providing advisory and verification services.
We aim to help authorities, oil companies, rig and ship owners, yards and other stakeholders with cost-effective compliance solutions. 

In addition to rules, class notes, standards and recommended practices, our key services cover:

  • Gap analyses – assessing and verifying shelf state requirements (NCS, UKCS and US GoM) against the current condition of your vessel
  • Preparation of safety cases as well as safety, work environment and environmental risk management studies and documentation 
  • Technical assessment of new designs or conversions to ensure safety