
DNV is helping to change the timeline from hydrogen on the horizon to hydrogen in homes, businesses, and transport systems

The world needs renewable and low-carbon hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels, derivatives, and feedstocks as part of the energy mix to achieve net zero emissions.

Renewable and low-carbon hydrogen production and consumption is emerging, but it has yet to fully realize its potential. To make hydrogen and derivatives a success, industry and governments must focus on four key areas to scale the hydrogen economy; 1) Safety, 2) Infrastructure, 3) Decarbonizing production, and 4) Policies, investments, and strategies with regulatory and legislative updates:

  • Safety – The scale of hydrogen in the future will be determined by success in managing safety. Large-scale hydrogen production presents a new range of risks and safety challenges that must be mitigated to prove the safety case to the public, industry, and regulators. Through industry collaboration, DNV has established standards and service specifications to support the industry in ensuring a safe and sustainable scaling of hydrogen production and power-to-X (PtX). Click to find out how DNV is proving the safety case for this groundbreaking technology.
  • Infrastructure – The full benefits of a hydrogen economy will come as the energy carrier becomes an integrated part of the world’s energy system. This will require new, repurposed, or adapted gas infrastructure, sector coupling with renewables and the electricity grid, and the adoption of hydrogen and derivatives for a range of industries and applications. Discover how DNV is supporting the development of new and repurposed hydrogen infrastructure. 
  • Decarbonizing production  – Hydrogen must be sustainable and decarbonized throughout its value chain, as currently most hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels without any carbon capture. This will require lowering the cost of electrolysis in order to scale green hydrogen or scaling carbon capture and storage (CCS) to enable blue hydrogen. Other factors such as water and land use, renewable power integration with PPAs, and due diligence of long lead items (LLI) where workers’ and human rights and several other ESG topics are part of sustainable value chains. Get insights into how DNV is helping to decarbonize hydrogen production, including through the assessment of renewable and low-carbon attribute claims. 
  • Policy, investment and strategy – Long-term policy commitments with regulatory and legislative updates are essential to building the hydrogen economy. In parallel, developers and investors need to understand the policy landscape and have insights into the technical and business aspects of hydrogen. Explore how DNV supports governments, developers, suppliers, investors, and the industry as a whole with regulatory, technical, and market assessments and due diligence.

DNV: The advisor to the entire hydrogen economy, from production, storage and transport to offtake and end use

Infographic: The advisor to the entire hydrogen economy


DNV delivers broad technical expertise and experience to enable hydrogen to play a key role in the energy transition. Together with industry and governments, we help scale this industry safely to decarbonize hard to abate and electrify sectors.

Contact us to hear more about our hydrogen capabilities and how we can help you to realize your hydrogen ambitions.

Hydrogen Forecast to 2050

DNV’s hydrogen research and forecasts in our Energy Transition Outlook main report and country reports provide our forecast for a most likely hydrogen future to mid-century, across production, transport, and end-use. It offers insights into factors crucial to scaling hydrogen, including policy, regulations, safety, and investment.

On 14 June 2022, more than 10,000 professionals from energy and maritime industries joined us to discuss the future of hydrogen. Watch the presentations and discussions with the likes of National Grid, Siemens Gamesa, Uniper and Equinor.

Our research

Download DNV technical and market reports related to hydrogen

Hydrogen Forecast to 2050

Hydrogen Forecast to 2050

Get insights into factors crucial to scaling hydrogen, including policy, regulations, safety, and investment.

Watch our on-demand webinars related to Hydrogen: