DNV assists in the development of the policy and regulatory environment needed to make hydrogen a practical solution. In parallel, DNV helps companies to understand the policy landscape and provides insights into the technical and business aspects of hydrogen.
Services to energy and maritime industries
- Development of cost models and financial models for hydrogen providers and users.
- Market potential studies.
- Business case development including sustainability impact.
- Modelling of storage impact and specific market potential.
- Market studies and decision support for introduction of low and zero emission fuels including hydrogen towards the maritime industry.
- Cost of electricity and electrolyser equipment forecasts as an input into green hydrogen cost.
- Competitor analysis and benchmarking through all value chain components.
- Utilization/timing of Green H2 production, curtailment and operational optimization.
- Assessment of ancillary services to the grid via electrolyser load shaping.
- Seasonal storage and H2 energy storage studies for high renewables penetration.
Our research
Download DNV technical and market reports related to hydrogen

Integration of electrolysers in the energy system
Opportunities and challenges of integrating electrolytic hydrogen production into power systems increasingly dominated by variable renewable electricity generation

Availability of green and blue ammonia in 2030 to 2050
This paper examines the supply and demand of green and blue ammonia towards mid-century. It also looks at the competition for ammonia between industries and the competition between different ammonia types

Hydrogen Forecast to 2050
Get insights into factors crucial to scaling hydrogen, including policy, regulations, safety, and investment.

Repurposing onshore pipelines for hydrogen: Guiding operators through the re-evaluation process
Repurposing pipelines is essential to scaling hydrogen. How can it be done in practice?

Rising to the challenge of hydrogen economy
The outlook for emerging hydrogen value chains, from production to consumption

Blue Hydrogen in a Low-Carbon Energy Future
In this brief we explore the greenhouse gas footprint of different blue hydrogen processes and supply chains

Hydrogen as an energy carrier
Forecasts decarbonization driving significantly greater use of hydrogen for energy by 2050

Hydrogen – Decarbonizing heat
The benefits and challenges of hydrogen in decarbonizing