Renewable hydrogen, produced via electrolysis from renewable energy sources like wind and solar, is commonly regarded as the ultimate destination, but blue hydrogen, produced from natural gas or coal with carbon capture and storage (CCS), will be key to scaling the hydrogen economy.
Indeed, the majority of energy professionals believe that both renewable and blue hydrogen need to work in synergy to scale the hydrogen economy successfully.
Read more about the production of renewable or green hydrogen using electrolysis.

Blue hydrogen – Scaling carbon capture and storage 

What does it take to produce low-carbon blue hydrogen? In our November 2021 research brief Blue Hydrogen in a Low-Carbon Energy Future, we explore the greenhouse gas footprint of different blue hydrogen processes and supply chains, and what it takes for blue hydrogen to meet thresholds as set by the taxonomies developed by the EU and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

DNV is experienced in gas reforming, gas conditioning, and gasification. Our Recommended Practices cover CO2 capture, transport, storage and safety.

Find out how DNV is enabling the commercialization of CCS value chains and delivering assurance to projects and stakeholders: ensuring the safety of CCS operations, maintaining the integrity of CCS infrastructure, and driving cost efficiencies.


Report: Blue hydrogen in a low carbon future

In this brief we explore the greenhouse gas footprint of different blue hydrogen processes and supply chains, and what it takes for blue hydrogen to meet thresholds as set by the taxonomies developed by the EU and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

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