Floating offshore wind projects are complex with many different stakeholders and contractors involved. Players from the maritime and offshore wind industry are coming together with two different approaches of how to handle and reduce risks. Two approaches which are well known to DNV, the leading maritime classification society and certification body for offshore wind.
Combined classification and certification into one third-party assurance service
DNV has merged its experience and well-proven assurance models for the maritime and offshore wind industry - classification and certification - into one harmonized solution that provides compliance with both schemes. Allowing project developers to provide utmost confidence to investors and insurance companies.
DNV’s third-party assurance service for floating offshore wind will allow for new collaboration and alliances between stakeholders that come from different backgrounds. Our streamlined assurance service ensures safe and reliable projects as risks are addressed in an optimal way for floating offshore wind - all in one service.
We allow for integrating a DNV-classed floating substructure and mooring system into project certification. This set up will reduce costs, increase quality and help customers to achieve operational excellence.
Our floating wind project certification service is based on the DNV-SE-0422 service specification and DNV-ST-0119 standard. These documents provide the most comprehensive technical reference suite for floating wind, and can be applied to complete wind farms, individual turbines and their components.
The floating and the mooring system should be designed, built and followed up in operation according to DNV’s RU-OU-512 rules applying the maritime execution model.
We are able to do that through:
- 160+ years' experience in managing offshore risks
- Being the leading classification society
- Involvement in 75% of all offshore wind farms as a certification body
- Involvement in floating offshore wind from the beginning (more than 15 years)
- Global presence in more than 100 countries with floating wind experts in key markets (Norway, UK, France, Spain, U.S., South Korea, Japan, China)
- Experience with industrial model and possibilities to scale
- Our floating offshore wind rules and standards which are frequently updated with latest lessons learned from projects
- Initiating world-leading joint development and industry projects (JDPs and JIPs) to address and solve industry challenges
- Cybersecurity expertise.