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The search for the best fuel options

The tightening of emission restrictions is spurring the shipping industry to explore new ways of powering ships. Is shipping at a turning point? Will today’s fuel be a good choice tomorrow? 2020 and the global 0.5 per cent “sulphur cap” are approaching fast. The Tier III NOX limits are already in force in some areas and coming soon in others. And the IMO strategy to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50 per cent by 2050 sets an ambitious goal for the longer term. All of this has the world’s 70,000+ merchant ships looking for solutions. Is it HFO and a scrubber? A low sulphur blend (LSFO)? Marine gas oil (MGO)? Or one of the lower or zero-carbon alternatives? We look at the data from DNV GL’s Alternative Fuels Insight (AFI) platform to see what it says about how the maritime industry is responding.

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