Webinar: The future of new power systems - preparing for the new power reality

DNV forecasts that, by 2040, 50% of the world’s demand for electricity will be supplied by wind and solar generation. This shift will require a more holistic approach to power systems and directly impacts national economies, energy security and the pace of the energy transition.

DNV’s New Power Systems report deep-dives into the future development of a larger, more complex but more efficient power system. In this 45-minute webinar, you will get the highlights of our latest topical report in our Energy Transition Outlook series and insights from DNV experts.



Tackling a more complex future power system


Remi Eriksen

Group President & CEO, DNV

Key findings from our New Power Systems outlook


Ditlev Engel

CEO of DNV Energy Systems

The role of digitalization in new power systems


Michael von Roeder

Chief Digital and IT Officer (CDIO), 50Hertz & Chief Digital Officer, Elia Group

Power markets – what needs to change? 


Petra de Boer

Head of Energy Markets and Strategy, DNV

Christian Hewicker

Director, Energy Markets and Technology, DNV

What will the power system look like in 25 years?


Onur Özgün

Principal Researcher and ETO model responsible, DNV


Sign in for the online launch of DNV’s New Power Systems report

We have set up two sessions (same content) to accommodate for different time zones. Upon registration you will get a confirmation email with links to both sessions, so you can choose the one that is most convenient for your time zone. If you are not able to attend the live session, please register and we will send you on-demand access to the event and the download link to the report.