DNV Conference – The fuel of the future

Decarbonization is the grand challenge of our time and no single organization, company, or institution can solve it alone

How can we achieve the deep, industry-wide cooperation that this unrivalled task requires? And how can we unlock the power of collaboration to fuel a more sustainable future for the global maritime industry?

To find out, we have invited industry leaders from across the shipping and logistics value chain to come together, exchange ideas, and explore a path to achieving our common goal of a carbon neutral future.

Please find a detailed agenda below.

SIGN UP TODAY and block your calendar for 11 January 2022, CET 12:30 - 15:30 CET (GMT 11:30 - 14:30).

We look forward to your participation!


DNV Conference – The fuel of the future


Registration and speed networking


Opening address


Event opening


Keynote: Collaboration - the real fuel of the future


Keynote: A shipowner's perspective


Interview: Insights from collaboration's enablers


Break and speed networking


Panel Discussion: Unlocking the power of collaboration to secure a sustainable future for shipping


Wrap-up of the day and closing


Speed networking


Event close


Registration assistance

To register for this event you will need an account on the Hopin event platform. If you do not already have a Hopin account from a previous event, you will be prompted to create an account the first time you visit the registration page for this event. Once you have created your account, or after logging in with your existing Hopin account, click the 'Register now' button to confirm your registration.


Technical considerations

Please use Chrome or Firefox as your browser, and we strongly recommend closing all other video conferencing software (Teams, Zoom etc). For the best experience join via a computer, not a mobile phone or tablet. For users dialling in from China, you might require the use of a VPN to ensure the best conference experience. Any questions or problems using the platform? Please check the attendee quick reference guide.