An Offshore Transmission Solution For Regional Resilience

Watch the recorded webinar of 4 May 2023, featuring speakers from Groundwire Strategies and DNV

A coalition of seven developers of offshore wind, green hydrogen, and transmission solutions has formed to promote the New England – Maritimes Offshore Energy Corridor (NEMOEC), a shared offshore transmission corridor that would support the broad decarbonization goals across the region while also serving as an essential reliability asset to the grid on both sides of the border.

The NEMOEC Coalition has produced a white paper titled "A New England - Maritimes Offshore Energy Corridor Builds Regional Resilience for a Clean Energy Future." The paper, authored by energy system experts at Power Advisory LLC and DNV, examines the potential benefits of an interregional shared transmission link that would otherwise not be captured under existing planning regimes, which typically fail to include the possibility of international cooperation on electricity supply. Their analysis concludes that building an HVDC subsea transmission corridor to link Nova Scotia with population centers in New England would support up to USD 780 million in annual benefits to ratepayers across both regions if it is used to interconnect offshore wind resources in Canadian and US waters.

Please listen to the recording of the findings of their white paper, which was released on May 4th.

Fill out the form below to watch the on-demand video recording