To meet tomorrow’s energy needs, the future-proof grid will be smart, interconnected and based on a mix of different technologies for generation, transmission and distribution, delivery and control. Hence future grid projects require a fresh approach to everything from feasibility through to operation. Whatever your role or phase you are at, we can assist you overcome your specific challenges.
Our teams of experts can guide you through the uncertainties and complexities. They understand: how to manage risks throughout the project lifecycle; flexible integration of renewable energy; the use of sensor-derived data; infrastructure resilience; as well as new and emerging technologies such as power electronics, storage and HVDC. By working closely with you, they ensure your project achieves its goals as smoothly and efficiently as possible.
Discover the benefits our service offering brings you by hovering over the picture above and clicking on the option related to the phase that you are in. Or check out our case studies for different types of customer for inspiration.

Evaluating a project’s potential for success is the key first step towards solving a business problem or creating a business opportunity.

The project solution is developed in as much detail as possible and the steps necessary to meet your project’s objective are laid out.

We assist you develop the basic design and compile a functional description and specification based on relevant standards and norms.

By measuring performance, we help you maintain control over the project’s direction, enabling corrective actions to be taken early.

During operation, our service offering starts with monitoring performance of key assets, to ensure correct functioning, and ends with insights using data analytics.

Smart services for future-proof grid projects

Power cybernetics
Keeping the lights on in the digital era needs new standards of validation

Powering Tomorrow
A series of in-depth interviews with DNV’s energy experts on the challenges facing transmission and distribution operators