DNV-ST-N002 Site specific assessment of mobile offshore units for marine warranty
Edition 2016-11 - Amended 2021-11
Edition 2016-11 - Amended 2021-11
This standard (ST) addresses the site specific assessment of MOUs (Mobile Offshore Units). Such assessments can be used as the basis for the Marine Warranty Survey (MWS) approval of the unit at the assessed location.
The integrity of the unit in the installed condition is the responsibility of the Assured, and is subject to compliance with the assumptions and recommendations made in the site specific assessment and, where subject to Marine Warranty Survey, the recommendations given in the location approval.
The marine operations that can occur during the development of an offshore asset or when objects, including MOUs are moved by water from one place to another are covered in DNV-ST-N001, /9/, which covers most offshore assets and operations that are likely to require MWS approval.
Details of documents that are generally required as part of the approval process are included.
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