DNV-RP-0286 Coupled analysis of floating wind turbines

Recommended practice

Edition 2019-05 - Amended 2021-10

This recommended practice (RP) specifies general principles and methods for the analysis of FOWTs, to be used in combination with the referenced standards. 

The objectives of this recommended practice are to:

  • provide an internationally acceptable set of recommendations that fulfil the requirements of the referenced standards for the analysis and the design of FOWTs
  • serve as a reference document between project stakeholders, to agree and align the methods for the design and the analysis of FOWTs
  • serve as a guideline for designers, suppliers, purchasers and regulators
  • specify procedures and methods for the analysis of FOWTs subjected to DNV certification
  • serve as a guidance for planning and execution of ocean basin tests, having the purpose of calibrating and validating numerical models.
This document states recommendations for the following:
  • analysis approach
  • environmental conditions, models and parameter selection
  • numerical models
  • design load cases setup
  • model testing and numerical model validation.
The RP considers different stages of the design:
  • conceptual design
  • prototype design
  • site type design
  • offshore wind farm design (project certification).

The RP does not give specific recommendations for dynamic cable and anchor analysis. Definition and requirements for the certification of these design stages are given in DNV-SE-0422.

Get a preview of DNV-RP-0286 here (PDF)