Supporting your organization with didgtal twin implementation

Your trusted partner for getting REAL value from your digital twin investment 

Whether you are planning to invest in digital technology or already have one in operation, DNV helps you to get REAL value from your digital twin. Building on a series of recommended practices for the assurance of digital twins, we can help with everything from supporting your organization to successfully implement digital twins, through to conducting independent assessments of the digital twins provided by your suppliers.

Gain value from digital transformation

If you are not yet ready to embark on your digital twin journey but would like to get a better understanding of how digitalization can support you in achieving your business goals, our digital strategy experts can help you get started. Taking a holistic approach through the lenses of people, process and technology, our experts will help your organization to assess your digital maturity, define clear goals and provide strategic guidance on how to meet those goals.

Getting started with your digital twin journey

Do you want to embark on your digital twin journey, but don’t know how to get started? Through workshops, interviews and document reviews, we will provide guidance on the four key areas for successful digital twin implementation according to DNV’s recommended practice, DNV-RP-A204 Assurance of digital twins. These areas include:

  1. Scoping the digital twin’s functionality to define its function and associated requirements
  2. Establishing digital twins that will work correctly over time
  3. Building a safe and robust infrastructure
  4. Assessing your organizational readiness for digital twin implementation. 

Access the complimentary digital twin maturity self-assessment to get a short version of the full maturity assessment here.

Select the right digital twin solution with confidence 

Based on the agreed scope of what the digital twin’s functionality should be, we can assess potential digital twin vendors and provide a report with a statement of capabilities so you can select the right vendor with confidence.


DNV combines a proven track record of assuring physical assets for major players in the oil and gas industry with extensive digital domain expertise demonstrated through our recommended practices. Working with an independent partner who knows both your industry and digital technologies will help you to get a fresh perspective, ensuring that you get measurable gains from your digital investments.

Standards and Recommended Practices relevant for digital twins

DNV’s standards and recommended practices are developed in close cooperation with the industry and validated through a global hearing process prior to publication. The following recommended practices are particularly relevant for digital twins: